ALERT: What are practice tips to consider when caring for a child with an ENFit feeding tube?


Connected Care Quick Hits are up to date and evidence based recommendations for the care of children with medical complexity & technology dependence, from hospital to home.

ALERT: What are practice tips to consider when caring for a child with an ENFit feeding tube? 


This Quick Hit was informed by questions from family caregivers and home and community care providers related to the recent transition of all enteral supplies to be ENFit compatible at SickKids.


SickKids has transitioned all feeding tube supplies and accessories to a new global standard called ENFit. ENFit is a new and safer design for feeding tube connectors because it cannot be connected with other medical devices or equipment (e.g., IV tubing). In using the new products, several ‘tips’ have been shared to help limit breakage and help in troubleshooting.


The following feeding tubes and accessories have been changed to ENFit: 

  • Oral medication and enteral feeding syringes 

  • Medication preparation accessories (e.g., bottle adaptors, medication straws) 

  • Feeding bags 

  • Nasogastric and nasojejunal tubes (silastic and PVC) 

  • Gastrostomy, gastrojejunostomy and jejunal tubes 

This AboutKidsHealth article has a chart that compares previous feeding tube supplies and the new ENFit supplies.


Connected Care recommends the following when caring for a child with an ENFit feeding tube and supplies at home:

1. Feeding accessories (e.g., syringes, adaptors and feeding bags) can be connected to an ENFit feeding tube by gently turning them in a clockwise direction (approx. ¼ turn). Avoid over-tightening as this can make it difficult to disconnect and/or break the port. 

2. Feeding bags will no longer have a universal connection. For children with non-ENFit tubes, a pine tree connector will be required to connect the feeding bag to the tube.

3. Clean and replace supplies based on the following recommendations, or as needed. Refer to the Connected Care Quick Hit for images of these supplies.

4. Review the following AboutKidsHealth article and videos that demonstrate how to administer medications and feeds, as well as how to clean ENFit feeding tubes.


For more information about heparin locking consult Connected Care Live and click here for more information from AboutKidsHealth

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AllAdal Bahlibi