HINT: How do I clean and maintain a suction machine


Connected Care Quick Hits are up to date and evidence based recommendations for the care of children with medical complexity & technology dependence, from hospital to home.

HINT: How to clean and maintain suction machines


This Quick Hit was informed by a family caregiver who described that their home care nurses do not consistently know when and how to clean and maintain suction machines.


The onset of the 'viral season' is a good time to promote the routine and ‘as needed’ maintenance of all home care equipment, including suction and other respiratory equipment that may be contaminated/infected. A suction machine is a device used to help clear the airway of mucus which is especially important to keep clean as the close proximity of dirt and bacteria to a child's airway may increase the risk of a child becoming sick.


Check the suction machine every day to make sure that the:

  • suction pressure is set correctly

  • integrity is good, no holes, cracks, tears

  • filter, tubing & canister is clean

  • battery is fully charged


How to clean the suction canister:

1. Gather your equipment and supplies:

  • one container filled with warm, soapy water (use mild dish-washing soap)

  • second container filled with one part white vinegar and three parts water

  • clean cloth

  • clean towel

2. Remove the short tubing from the lid. Remove the canister, take the lid off, and empty the contents into the toilet.

3. Place all parts of the canister in the first container filled with warm, soapy water then rinse with tap water.

4.Place all parts of the canister in the second container filled with vinegar and water, soak for 30 minutes, then rinse with tap water.

5. Place all parts on a clean, dry towel and allow to air dry.

How & when to maintain the suction machine:

maintenance schedule.png
suction machine 2.png

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